Not too worry anyone but Dec. 30th 31st and Jan. 1st the San Diego airport stopeed most but not all incomming and outgong flights from approx. 5pm to midnight for each of these 3 nights. Fog here in San Diego usually rolls in around 6pm at night and goes away during the early morning(2am-3am) hours.
SD airport only gets fogged in about 6-7 times a year so this 3 nights in a row is a little unusual. If you have a choice to arive/depart this airport before 5pm for the next couple of weeks you may want to take this into consideration. Like I said this airport only gets fogged in a 6-7 times each year so the fog shouldn%26#39;t be a problen too much more this comming month or two. San Diego only(with rare exceptions) has fog from Novenber to Febuary.
I live right by the airport here in SD and can hear when there is no air-traffic. I can also see if it is foggy ouside of my apartment windows.
Again I don%26#39;t want too scare/worry anyone but I thought I would make a post.
San Diego Airpot Fogged IN 3 nights in A Row.
By the looks of it right now we may very well have a 4th night in a row!
San Diego Airpot Fogged IN 3 nights in A Row.
I just found out that my son and his girlfriend made it in from San Francisco at about 7:15PM.
They were amazed that in SF the weather had been great but back here in SanDiego they found chilly foggy weather. I think it must be their fault for bringing us SF weather!!
Riffs- that is good as most flights did not make it in last night. All of a sudden at 11pm last night about 10-12 planes took off becuase the fog lifted a little bit.
I will update this post around 6-7pm for the next 3-4 days and let people know about the fog.
were coming in by noon so we should be okey.. thanks for the usefull information
Hi there ...I%26#39;m in SD now but leaving for SF tomorrow early (7AM). I watched the flight status of the United flights today and the first two took off on time (6AM and 7AM) but after that it was chaos. BF in SF said it was raining there which puts and extra crimp in schedules.
And heavens was it *foggy* in Solana Beach this AM! Almost like home! And chilly. Brrr.
But my flight out is 7AM tomorrow so I should be able to get out on schedule (which means up at 4AM -- boo hoo).
But it also means that no matter what I%26#39;ll be home in time to watch my second most favorite football team -- Go Bolts!!
Yup, definitely chilly here in north county today, RamblinSal! For those of you here now visiting from out of town, this is what we here in SD call COLD!!!
RamblinSal: I know you come here often to visit your Mom (or parents?) in Solana Beach, so I%26#39;m wondering if you use any of the airport shuttle services? We%26#39;ll be traveling later this month, and flight times %26amp; other circumstances are such that we are unable to rely on friends/family or Coaster/bus to get to the airport. We%26#39;ve used Cloud 9 in the past, but they%26#39;re more expensive than ever now. Can you recommend any other shuttles?
Tonight( 10pm Friday Jan. 2) is and was not foggy. The airport has been fully open all evening.
Hi Leucadian
Yes, I%26#39;m in Solana Beach about every 3rd week to help my mom out. I%26#39;m rather impatient and hate the shuttles that have you all over the county before getting home, so I%26#39;ve been using Beach Limo (www.beachlimo.com) for the past 2 years now. (I am up and waiting for them as I type.) They charge $50 for the aiport ride. I%26#39;d think you%26#39;re not that much further north so should be the same for you.
Anyway, I highly recommend them. They%26#39;re always on time and the drivers are all very personable and the cars are, of course, spotless. Also, they never raised their rates when the gas prices were through the roof.
If you%26#39;re interested in booking them send me a PM and I%26#39;ll give you my ';real'; name -- tell them I recommended them to you. I%26#39;m considered a ';regular'; at this point!
Tonight at 6:30pm January 3 there is no fog at all in the San Diego airport area.
I live near the airport. We always get fog in December, sometimes January. That%26#39;s weather for you.
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