Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Any suggestions for a 10-day road-trip?

My husband and I are thinking about doing a 10 or 11-night trip to California next May. We would like to rent a car and stop at a few places along Hwy 1. Where would you recommend? Would we be able to do San Diego, LA and San Fran all in one trip? We would most likely fly into San Diego and out of San Fran or vice versa. Any other stops you would recommend along the way? Are we trying to cover too much ground in 12 days? Thanks for your advice.

Any suggestions for a 10-day road-trip?

I%26#39;d fly into San Fran. Stay a couple days there, do Alcatraz /Pier 49/few other attractions, then make your way down Hwy 1...On your drive down, check out Pebble Beach, and there%26#39;s a couple other places I can%26#39;t remember (some mansion)...I%26#39;m sure there are more things, but the coolest thing is just taking in all the scenery driving along the ocean!

Once you arrive in LA, stay there a few days. You could mix it up and stay in Hollywood a couple, and maybe even Santa Monica a couple days. There%26#39;s tons of stuff there you can plan, just a matter of what interests you.

Then make your way down the beach line to San Diego for your final day or two. There’s a big outlet mall on your drive down I went to (Desert Hills) that was pretty nice. There are tons of beaches you could go to (Laguna, Long Beach, Mission, etc.)

If you’re feelin’ crazy you could roll through Compton! lol (we did this one Friday night when the Lakers won, it was rather crazy!)

Hope this helps some

Any suggestions for a 10-day road-trip?

Here are a few places I think you should go while in the San Francisco area: in the city 1) Lombard Street- a very pretty VERY ';bendy'; street that is full of beautiful flowers Drive slow and make sure your rental car isn%26#39;t to long ie: station wagon!. When you get to the bottom of the street, you can get a great shot of the street. 2) Golden Gate Park-google it because there are so many things to see and do there. 3) take a cable car ride to China town for lunch and then hop back on to see the city a fun way. You should also go accross the Golden Gate Bridge. That way you can visit Sausalito and see the shops and have lunch looking out onto the bay and when your done that, you should drive up to Muir Woods to see the giant redwoods. It%26#39;s beautiful and an easy walk. Have fun!

You will have a wonderful trip. The key thing to planning a delightful trip to California is thinking about what you like to do....i.e. do you want to go to the wineries and enjoy fine dining; or are you more into short hikes/walks and want to see the scenic arsa and more into casual dining nad picnics; or are you - just have to go to all the amusement parks type person; or are you a shop till you drop and want to see the Hollywood type stuff...

Or ....there are so many things you can do here, each person can plan a unique trip that will be the most fun for them.

In general, in a 12 day trip, I would probably plan it like:

2 to 3 days San Francisco

1 day Monterey or Big Sur

1 day Hearst Castle, Santa Barbara

3 to 4 days Los Angeles (it really depends if you are a theme park and major beach person or not...).

2 to 3 days San Diego

This will allow you to see the highlights...but if you decide you want to add Napa and Sonoma for wineries or you want to go to Magic Mountain, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, a day trip to Catalina Los Angeles - you might want to just do the San Francisco to Los Angeles stretch this trip.

Spend some time planning (and do book your lodging in advance to maximize your fun) and you will have a delightful and wonderful trip. Enjoy.

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