Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Please help with ';areas'; in SF, {{{{I AM SO CONFUSED}}}}}

I decided to rent a place for a week through VRBO.

There will be 4 of us and renting seems the most reasonable way to stay a week in SF.

What I dont know are the different locations.

This is what I would like:

1) very close to cable cars and transit system

2)near allot of cute boutiques, restaurants, etc...

( i have 2 daughters traveling with us. We wont only shop but thought it would be fun,sometime

3) maybe China town? or ???


I dont need to be near the warf. Stayed real close to it many years ago and thought we would rather have a different location.

After a day of site seeing and walking I think being close to transportation would be helpful. As I have fibromyalgia

Are there areas we should stay away from?

Ares we should see?

Thought about doing a tour of China town, Wok Wiz Walking Tour of China Town, a day in the wine country

Streets arent mentioned just areas . Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Please help with ';areas'; in SF, {{{{I AM SO CONFUSED}}}}}

In your week you%26#39;ll learn the wonder and diversity of the many different neighborhoods.

Chinatown is probably not your best bet. Nearby is the Union Square area, Market Street, etc. That would probably be a better location to give you more diversity of transportation, safety, etc. It will offer you a very wide range of shops, restaurants, etc. We also really like Nob Hill, but there%26#39;s probably less choices for you there.

Personally, I find the cable cars to be really useless for transportation. There are so many tourists who want to enjoy the experience, that you wait in line forever. The buses and streetcars are much more efficient.

A day in the wine country would be nice, but would really require a car or a packaged tour. We also like to rent bikes on Fisherman%26#39;s Wharf and ride over the Golden Gate, taking the boat back from Sausalito.

Have fun.

Please help with ';areas'; in SF, {{{{I AM SO CONFUSED}}}}}

If you are going through vrbo you will not necessarily be in a ';tourist'; neighborhood.

My suggestion would be to go on vrbo, select a few interesting possibilities and come back here with the addresses so the native SF%26#39;ers can advise you.

That is what I would do.

I forgot to mention that I think you are making a wise decision. We travel a lot and almost always find that an apartment or home rental saves money and gives us space. We have done this all over the world.....last month in Argentina. %26lt;smile%26gt;

To have a chance to be close to the cable cars, you%26#39;d probably want to look at areas that might be described this way:


Russian Hill

Nob Hill

Fisherman%26#39;s Wharf / North Beach

possibly Embarcadero

It%26#39;s best to ask the owners on what streets (nearest intersection) the property is located.

The following will definitely not fall in your parameters, though just about all of these areas are convenient to transportation (Potrero HIll excepted, having lived on PH for a decade I can attest).

NOT Civic Center

NOT Mission District

NOT ';near Golden Gate Park';


NOT the Castro

NOT Noe Valley

NOT Poterero Hill

NOT the Marina

NOT the Haight

Not the Sunset

NOT Bernal Heights

NOT Eureka Valley

NOT Twin Peaks

NOT Upper Market

NOT Hayes Valley

NOT Cow Hollow

As Puter suggested, cull through the vbro site and find a few that interest you and come back here and we can give you info and feedback on the neighborhoods. We had a similar thread not long ago; here%26#39;s a link to it:

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