Monday, April 23, 2012

A silly question

Hi all,

Do you know where I can get some flag stickers-those small ones that we see on car bumpers. Many thanks.

A silly question

I%26#39;ll assume you are talking in general and not looking for a store in SD?

This site should be able to meet all your flag needs. For example clicking on and scrolling down about half way will show you 3 options of what for I think you are looking.

I hope you have a RV of sorts as from your travel map you will be putting up a lot of stickers:)

A silly question

Hi Tony,

Actually I am interested in some places in SD. The website you recommended looks good. I googled once before but they all seem to do wholesale. Believe it or not, I have most all of the stickers of the places I have been to. I usually buy them at the actual places I visit. The funny thing, I don%26#39;t have one of the US flag. So I am sort of looking for a US flag sticker.

Many thanks to your response.

I think I saw some a while back at 7/11 or a similar convenience store. Maybe one of those gas station stores?

Sorry I could not be of more help. I do the same thing too but I buy patches and sew them onto a backpack. And I too try to get them as I travel but was able to get a few missing ones at a flag store on the wharf in SF and also at one in Monterey. I understand SD has a wharf too but it is not filled with local and touristy type shops and restaurants! I just called the SF store to see if they had one near you but they only have the two that I mentioned. At any rate - Happy Flag Hunting in the New Year.

I saw them at a few of the stores in Sea Port Village.

Hi all,

Many thanks for your responses. I will check out Seaport Villages. So close. Never thought of it.

Happy New Year to all.

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