Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Best Budget places to stay in San Diego

My family of three will visit San Diego for 5-7 days at the end of July. I am having a hard time determing where we should stay at a reasonable price. It doesn%26#39;t have to be fancy, but I need it to be in a safe location, clean and near as many attractions as possible.



Animal Park


Balboa Park

Best Budget places to stay in San Diego

It helps that you give a dollar amount. What is reasonable to you may not be reasonable to me.

Best Budget places to stay in San Diego

The Wild Animal Park is NOT near any of the other attractions. It is about 45 min. away in the city of Escondido. IF you mean the zoo then that is located inside Balboa Park.

There are lots of hotels/motels at all price ranges BUT we need to know what you want to spend and when you are coming as there are different prices at different times and different bargains to be had.

Sorry, you DID say the end of July.

Will you guys have a car or need to be by public transportation?

Reasonable would be no more than $100 a night.

Yes we are going to rent a car since the Animal Park is so far away from everything else.

Any one stayed at the Handlery Hotel %26amp; Resort in San Diego? It seems to be near most attractions we would like to participate in, and I found rooms for about $89 a night.

Here is the Trip Advisor link with reviews of the Handerly Hotel:鈥?/a>

If you are not familiar with this site, may I offer a suggestion. There are many fraud reviewers on the lodgings sites. Click on the name of the poster (right below the ratings circles). If the person has only one or two reviews, I wouldn%26#39;t really consider it. Look more carefully at the reviews written by posters who have many reviews written over a period of several years, at various locations. These are most likely to be the honest reviews. JMHO.

$89 is a VERY low price for most hotels here.

The Handlery is centrally located in a busy area near a busy highway but also near shopping malls etc.

I think if you go there and are happy with the price and you don%26#39;t expect a fancy hotel , then you%26#39;ll be OK.

I would ordinarily pick a prettier more scenic location but if that is not important to you then no worries about staying there.

Just to throw in about the Wild Animal Park...Keep in mind that it could be very very hot the end of July. Temps can get 90%26#39;s and higher. Be sure to check before driving out there and pick the coolest day. Unless, of course, the heat doesn%26#39;t bother your family.

Thanks so much for your input it%26#39;s greatly appreciated. What location would you choose to stay in that%26#39;s prettier and more scenic? I am open for suggestions :)

  • reptiles
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