Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fireworks at DLP after DCA?

If we finish off at DCA at around 730PM and rest awhile, can we walk to Disneyland Resort to catch the fireworks at 9PM?

How long a walk is that exactly?

If ok to walk, where is it best to watch it when we get to the resort?

Also -- which is a busier day at DCA? Saturday or Sunday?

Many thanks!

Fireworks at DLP after DCA?

the two parks are right across from each other, heres a map that shows you.


Fireworks at DLP after DCA?

It will take you just a few minutes to walk between the two park entrances. There is a large walkway between the two entrances, called the Esplanade, and you just need to exit DCA and walk across the walkway to the entrance of Disneyland Park.

If you are going on a Saturday or Sunday, the fireworks are probably scheduled at 9:25. But 9 p.m. is too late to get a place for them. And not only will it be extremely crowded in all the way up to the Castle are at that time, it is likely that the cast members working crowd control will just direct you to move along - which you will continue to do for a long time.

If you finish up at DCA at 7:30, you should go directly into Disneyland Park, which ought to be a nice time to enter. Go up Main Street to the Hub, the Central Plaza, and rest in that general vicinity. There you can size up how soon people start finding places, and eventually find yourself a place around the Hub near Sleeping Beauty%26#39;s Castle. This is the best area to watch the fireworks from. There are a few benches in the middle, and the Partners Statue (statue of Mickey and Walt) has a bit of cement around it if you can%26#39;t find a bench to sit on.

If you have sized up the amount of people there and it seems to early to sit in a place for the fireworks, there are things you can do around that area to rest. There is the Coke Corner, with tables and chairs, as well as hot dogs and cokes if you feel like something to eat. (Also sometimes a ragtime piano player.) There an ice cream place on the way up Main Street, if you want you can get some and go sit around the Coke Corner. Nice view there, too. There is the Plaza Inn. And on Saturdays there is usually a swing band playing to the left of the Castle at the outdoor venue called Plaza Gardens, so you can sit there for a while and watch people dance.

Make sure to find a place to sit and wait for the fireworks around an hour and a half early, at least. If all you feel like doing is resting, the area Hub is a good place to do it. (If you want one of the benches during the fireworks, best to stake it out early.) You can have someone go and get eats while the rest of you stays there. Some people even manage to have a couple of people in their party leave and go on a ride and come back. It%26#39;s just not a good idea to do it too close to show time (I%26#39;d say within a half an hour.).

I don%26#39;t visit DCA, but from what I have read I would say how busy it is would depend on the time of day, not what day. I think it depends about what is going on over there and what is going on at Disneyland. Guests are allowed to hop between the parks. For instance, guests who want to make the most of rides, probably visit DL park first thing in the morning and visit DCA when it begins to get busy in DL park. Then they might ';hop'; back to either view a parade in DL or to go on rides (since a large number of guests will be at the parade.) You will not need a full day for DCA. Sunday will be the lesser crowded at DL park, in the morning and later at night. Otherwise, given the birthday celebration, it may be the same. I%26#39;m going on a Sunday for my next visit just because that is when my birthday falls, although I would normally choose a Saturday.

Correction -

';And not only will it be extremely crowded in all the way up to the Castle are at that time';

Here%26#39;s what I meant to say:

';And not only will it be extremely crowded in Main Street, but all the way up to the Castle area at that time';

We were in Disneyland just six days ago. At 9:00 pm we were in Tomorrowland and decided we would try to catch some of the fireworks. As we walked towards the castle we saw that the crowds were already huge. My husband asked one of the Disney employees working crowd control where we should head to in order to get the best view. She directed us to slip under the rope and meld into the crowd. We got a fabulous view with only a few minutes wait. In the past, we have had to hold our spot for over an hour to be so lucky. I would suggest this strategy.

That was a lucky break and a thoughtful cast member who, no doubt, saw an open spot. I am often a solo guest and have been lucky enough to find one small little spot for myself (I%26#39;m a thin, petite person) right in front of Sleeping Beauty%26#39;s Castle around 8:30 p.m. That has been on Saturdays. After finding the spot, I have spent the majority of time watching others try to get in. They usually are told by others there is no room. Sometimes they are told by cast members to move on. Each time I have been able to squeeze in I feel lucky. I spend the majority of time between 9 and show time listening to the the cast member nearby telling latecomers to move along and follow the path towards Frontierland. Appartently, the area near Frontierland fills up slower, but I wouldn%26#39;t count on it. If you have a family and you don%26#39;t want to get turned away or become frustrated with being herded by crowd control CMs while trying to find a space through a sea of people sitting in the dark, show up way early. Don%26#39;t risk it.

Thanks for the info! We%26#39;ll do our last ride at 7PM and walk straight to DLP right after. We%26#39;ll use the waiting time to get some rest and snacks as well :-)

You can also view the fireworks in the open area by ';It%26#39;s a Small World.'; This area offers and excellent view - and any special affects projected onto the Castle are also projected onto Small World.

Sunday will be less crowded than Saturday.

And perhaps I am in the minority here, but we never sit and wait for fireworks. Yes, they are cool (and I LOVE fireworks), but we use the time before launch time to go on a ride. You can see the fireworks from many places in the park. No, you might not have the perfect view of the lower ground fireworks except by waiting, but the sky show is very visible. So as long as you are not on a ride or behind the trees, you can see them.

I go pretty often too,so I don%26#39;t wait for them either, and have been able to see the ';sky'; portion of fireworks from the top deck of the Space Mountain line, from the Matterhorn ride (albeit in 6-second increments!) and have had really good luck with the Small World area, without waiting. Undoubtedly though, you only get the full awesome effect from Main Street, at the end nearest the castle, I think- so if this is your only chance to catch them, you may want to grab a snack, relax, and wait. And don%26#39;t forget Fantasmic, another not-to-be missed show- I think it%26#39;s twice a night on the weekends. Sunday seems to be busy at DCA since people using 2-fer tickets do DL on Sat. to take advantage of the longer hours, then do DCA on Sunday.

Oh so which is better day for DCA? Saturday or Sunday?

Was thinking of doing Saturday since its an EE day in Disney and most probably people will be doing DLP.

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