Friday, March 30, 2012


I heard its dangerous for smaller boats to cross lake tahoe and to just stay closer to the shoreline when making your way from place to place is this true ? We have a 18ft bayliner and were wanting to take it to tahoe.If anyone knows any advice that would help allot.


Crossing the lake should be fine in th am. If the weather is windy and the lake choppy you might want to postpone it. My advise to anyone regardless of boat size is not to be on the east side after about 2:30 in the summer because the afternoon wind comes up and boy is it ever rough there. It calms down later in the afternoon. The change in choppiness is quite sudden so don%26#39;t be lulled into thinking it won%26#39;t happen. We have a rather large boat and to get from Secret Beach or Skunk Harbor around 3 to the north or west is so choppy and requires hugging the shore well past Incline Village.

I%26#39;d stay on the west side in the afternoon. You have a better chance of smoother water. If it%26#39;s choppy on the west the waves are smaller than the east. Generally speaking.


Thank you so much for the info that helps allot!! I kind get scared when the water gets real choppy.

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