Friday, March 30, 2012

Itinerary on H1


Since last post (thanks for all the help so far!) we have chosen a stay in SF for 4 nights (White Swann Inn) and 2 nights in Monteray (Mont Bay inn) - but have been told that Carmel/Pacific G is better (Monteray ';lots of tourist/trinket shops'; - so firstly given we are spending $500 a night here, have we chosen wisely!?

Secondly, we then have 4 nights to do the rest of H1 - was thinking 2 nights in Santa Barbara(?) and maybe 2 in either Cambria, Pizmo Beach, Morro Bay etc etc Any and all suggestions greatly received - even if they contradict!!

As ever thanks a million to everyone kind enough to help with our honeymoon planning

John %26amp; Libby

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