Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Horse Trekking!

Hi All,

We go to Yosemite for the 1st time on April 30th for 2 days.

We would like to do a great Horse Trekking day/morning.

I have looked at the website and see that these can be booked but I am unsure which one to choose.

an anyone advise which site to go from or which trek to go on for best views etc?

We will be staying at the village of El Portal just outside?


Horse Trekking!

I would strongly recommend calling first. They don%26#39;t say that they close during the winter, but Wawona does. I don%26#39;t remember when they open, but its usually May or so before they do. The only ones that will possibly be open is Yosemite Valley and Wawona, but I really doubt they will be. (I hope I%26#39;m wrong)

If they are closed, and you really want to do trekking, the best place (out of all of them) is Yosemite Trails Pack Station in Fishcamp. That%26#39;s outside the south entrance. If you are going that way and want to have a great experience, they do it right. I have known the family since 1972. They also do evening hay rides and BBQs if time doesn%26#39;t allow during the day.

Horse Trekking!

There are also stables along highway 120 at Pine Mountain Lake, a resort community. They have trails that go down to the Tuolumne River and through Stanislaus National Park. Reasonable rates, great part of the country to ride.

Have a fantastic holiday.

guys thanks for your fantastic help!!!

I cant wait for our trip in 4 weeks time!

i will call the stables in the middle of the park! :D


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