Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Johnny Park

Hi all, I haven%26#39;t seen where there is a spot for this but I wanted to warn people against Johnny Park. We got back from a week long trip on June 24th and discovered a 2 inch scratch and a large black smudge on our back bumper. We complained and they took pictures (as did I) and filled out a form. A few days later we got a letter saying they are going to fully cooperate and will be in touch with us soon. Today we got a letter stating that upon further investigation they have found themselves not to be liable. What!? I%26#39;m not really sure how to proceed but obviously you are taking risks by leaving a car there.

Johnny Park

I always thought that it was funny that people will file a claim with a parking lot and think that they will admit liability. Parking lots rent space and what happens is your problem unless they were driving the car. You will have to prove it was their fault in small claims court or check with your insurance company.

Johnny Park

Sounds like they don%26#39;t want their employees to have to deal with you right then and there, so they stall it for a while and give you the bad news by mail later on.

I forgot to mention that they are a valet service, I could understand if I parked the car myself like at the Burbank airport. I%26#39;m just trying to warn people because I was not aware that anything could happen to your car at a secured parking lot and you are fully responsible, might as well park it on the street somewhere for free. Learning experience for me…

Hi, I think it was about 2 years ago or so, one of the local news stations did a whole expose on how valets can basically do anything to your car, and get away with it. It%26#39;s a sad reality. I think it is always worth it to complain to the business employing them, because if they get a lot of complaints, the business will change valet companies. I%26#39;ve been fortunate (knock on wood) to have had good luck. Sorry for your bad experience...

You really can%26#39;t blame them for something that happens to your car unless you can prove it. It could have been almost ANYBODY that did it!! It could have been another patron that was parking their car there.

Hey...just giving advice y%26#39;all, that%26#39;s what this site is for. I%26#39;m not going to debate it, park here at your own risk. (By the way, it was valet, no ';other patrons'; are parking their cars)

My husband NEVER lets other people (valet or not) park our car. I f a place only has valet parking we do not go there. I used to think he was a little crazy (well maybe I still think that just a little) but now I actually can see his point.

Note your mileage when leaving a car for a could come back and find that someone put 200 miles on it while you were gone!

HA! That%26#39;s funny considering the place is a rental car agency too!

Kadoogan, I feel your pain. The exact same thing happened to my family and I at Johnny Park in mid-June. We parked two cars there- it took them over an hour to find one car, after bringing us 3 of the wrong car, and the employees there were either extremely rude or could care less. When they brought back my mother%26#39;s car, it had a huge scrape across the back bumper and large white smudges. Same scenario as yours happened- they said they would fix it and then later said they were not liable via mail. There has to be something we as consumers can do. What kind of a business treats people that way. Clearly their employees are careless with the cars as they are the ones parking them. Anyway, I know it%26#39;s at our risk to park there so we are apparently powerless to take action. But I am still going to least make a big enough stink that people don%26#39;t use their service anymore.

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