Wednesday, March 28, 2012

whales on the 7th of April???

We will arrive in San Diego on the evening of the 6th of April but would love to go whale watching (and actually see whales). Everywhere we read, it says that the season for whale watching is until the end of March. Does that mean that there is no point/place for us to go whale watching this April 7th? If it is still worthwhile, could anyone recommend somewhere to book a trip with? Thank you

whales on the 7th of April???

My Fiance%26#39;s sister works on a whale watching boat and I know March 29th was their last day for whale watching. Evidently it was quite a day too as they saw a humpback, a mola mola and some rare dolphins.

whales on the 7th of April???

Ok, rory, her%26#39;s the deal: Whales don%26#39;t have a calander that they consult. They won%26#39;t look at their watch and say: ';Oops, it%26#39;s April 7th, we can%26#39;t swim by San Deigo';. There are always stragglers and you have a chance of seeing whales from the shore using binoculars. Good luck. Chuck...

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