Saturday, March 24, 2012

Please Help

please help if you can with some information. we are flying into long beach since it was a 14 dollar flight from jet blue, instead on lax, we need to get to calabasis which is approximately 45 miles. what is the best/cheapest way for us to get to calabasis? I dont mind shuttles or anything of that nature so please help because i dont know where else to find the information. Thanks

Please Help


or consider renting a car because you will probably need one to get around in Calabasas

Please Help

Super Shuttle will provice private car services to Calabasas only and not van services. The prices will be $144.

The alternative as stated above is to rent a car which would be cheaper.

Taxi ride will be expensive (at least $160).

You could try shared van service - the two main ones in the LA area are and Looks like Supershuttle is roughly $87 for the first passenger, $9 for each additional passenger. Prime Time looks like they%26#39;ll charge roughly $84 + $10 for each additional passenger. Disadvantage of the shared van services is that they can stop to pick up or drop off other passengers, and can detour to do so.

You could also use a combination of public transportation and taxis. From the Long Beach Airport, take the Long Beach 111 bus one stop to the Blue Line Station at Willow Blvd. Take the Blue Line north to the 7th Street Metro Center in Los Angeles, and then from there take the Red Line to Universal City. At the Universal City station, you switch to the Orange line bus and take it all the way to Warner Center. From there, you could take a taxi to Calabasas or use Metro Local Line 161 bus to get there - just depends exactly where in Calabasas you%26#39;re going. Probably this could be done for under $10 pp (excluding taxi fare) but will be a long journey.

In any case, $14 from New York to Long Beach? Really? I am impressed! I wonder if they have the same deal from Long Beach to NY?

What you saved in the flight cost, you%26#39;ll even out with the cost to get to Calabasas! Unless you rent a car - that would be your best alternative.

You should find a car rental pronto!

Why would you think that the BEST way would be the CHEAPEST way? If that were the case, then limos would have to be priced cheaper than public buses!

I%26#39;d have to agree with Yoga. Any savings (and convenience) you gained by landing at LGB will be wiped out in the transfer to Calabasas.

I%26#39;ll suggest a different transfer option than the others:

1. Take a taxi from the airport to the Wardlow Blue Line metro rail station. (About $15/10 minutes).

2 Transfer to the next blue line train ';to 7th St/Metro Center Station in downtown Los Angeles';. In short, take any NORTHBOUND train. The fare is $1.25 and the ride takes 38 minutes. Trains depart Wardlow station about every 11 minutes.

This train does not provide luggage storage capabilities and you are not guaranteed a seat so if you have a lot of luggage or large pieces, you might not want to take this train. An alternative method will be described at the bottom of this posting.

3. At 7th Street/Metro Center Station, walk up one flight to the red line metro rail platform. Buy a second metro rail ticket for $1.25. Get on the next red line train ';to Union Station';. The ride takes 6 minutes; trains depart the station about every 12 minutes.

4. Come up to the ground floor (street level) of Union Station and transfer to an above ground train to Simi Valley. There are two train companies:

Amtrak (

Amtrak offers the Pacific Surfliner train for this route (transfer time: between 1 hour and 1 hour, 15 minutes at a cost of $13). Trains run about every 2 hours throughout the day.

NOTE: Amtrak refers to L.A.%26#39;s (downtown) Union Station by the %26#39;station code%26#39; LAX even though this station is no where near the airport of the same name!


Metrolink (

Look at Metrolink%26#39;s ';Ventura County (train) Line'; for trains that go to Simi from Union Station. Transfer time is about the same as Amtrak%26#39;s and SOME Amtrak trains accept METROLINK tickets. The trains run every couple of hours and tend to run when the Amtrak trains don%26#39;t! The metrolink fare is $6/$8 (weekday/weekend).

5. Upon arrival in Simi, take a taxi to your final destination -- about 16 miles/ 25 mimnutes (about $50)

So, this option will take a total of 2 hours, 35 minutes (plus wait time for the metrolink/amtrak train which would average about 30 minutes). Without knowing how many people are traveling with you, it%26#39;s difficult to calculate the total fare; however, the fare for 2 persons would be between $67 and $81; the fare for 4 persons would be between $84 and $112.

If there are 4 of you, you should definitely, rent a car; if there are 2 of you, a car would still be the quickest, most direct, and most comfortable option; even with gasoline and a ';drop off'; charge, it can%26#39;t cost much more than the public transit option.

If you%26#39;re totally opposed to driving, and you%26#39;ll have a lot of luggage, you could combine some of the previously recommended ideas as follows:

1. Take a %26#39;shared van'; ( from LGB to Union (train) station. Fares would be $49 / $69 TOTAL for 2 / 4 people. The transfer takes about an hour including waiting time for the van while it picks up and drops off other passengers.

2. Transfer to a metrolink or amtrak train (as recommended above) to Simi Valley.

3. Take a taxi to your final destination.

This will take about the same amount of time as the first option but will cost more (due to the %26#39;shared van%26#39; ride). However, it will be more comfortable and involve fewer steps (you%26#39;ll have to transfer your luggage only 3 times compared to the 4 times under the previous option).

BTW, if you had flown Jet Blue into Bob Hope Airport in Burbank (airport code BUR), you could have transferred to a train at the airport. Transfer time on Metrolink from BUR to Simi is only 41 minutes at a cost of between $5 and $6.75. Add that to the taxi ride that follows and you%26#39;d be at your destination in half the time as it will take from LGB at a cost of between $60/$63.50 for 2 persons or $70/$77 for 4 and, of course, you%26#39;d have only one change in conveyance from the train to the taxi. (And, the air fare into BUR might be cheaper than flying into LGB!)

Good luck!

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