Friday, March 23, 2012

Laguna Beach Kite House

When we arrived after a log day of traveling, the home was a mess! There were 2 Spanish workers in the home doing god knows what...Actually, they were cooking beans in the kitchen and just standing around. There was a layer of dust through-out the home that was so thick u could write with it. There were dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. Not to mention on the cookware and utensils were filthy. The bathrooms were disgusting. The bathtubs and sinks still had scum on them, and the toilets had pubic hair, and poop splatter in the bowl still. Now if u can imagine arriving to your rental home and all u want to do is relax...and u cant. So we called the tell him about this. His response was that the two men doing nothing were there to clean. When we asked the men to clean they replied that they don%26#39;t clean and that they could get there girlfriends to come the following day!!!? So we call the owner again, and he’s like “Well people have different perspectives on what ';clean'; means.” If that’s his perspective of clean then he must live in a cave or something. So then he continues to tell us that if we aren%26#39;t happy with the home then we can go somewhere else (He has our money already)!! All we wanted to do was get settled in this home and rest after traveling. So we told him we were going to hire cleaners to clean the whole home seeing how he wasn%26#39;t willing to help us out...and he had told us he will reimburse us. We also ended up purchasing a new shower curtain b4 the original one was FILTHY, and we purchased new drinking glasses, and new cutting knives because they were not usable. Long story shot...he refuses to pay us back, and continues to tell us that there was never anything wrong with the condition of the home…. Now I am not a clean freak at all, and even I was appalled by the condition, and even more appalled by the way he handled the situation. So this is a warning to anyone looking at this home. We stayed there from Jan 09 - March 30th

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