Friday, March 23, 2012

Nightclubs & Beaches

Hello, my friend and I (in our late 20%26#39;s) are headed to LA/West Hollywood this month for 4 days, staying at the Grafton on Sunset. We have been researching nightclubs %26amp; beaches for our itinerary, and are receiving so many mixed reviews, that we are really confused. The nightclub scene changes so frequently(what%26#39;s hot today, is not tomorrow) that we were hoping for some help. We are looking for clubs that play top 40 %26amp; hip hop where we can dance. Here is what our itinerary looks like so far:

Tues - Formosa Cafe for dinner/drinks, then to Hyde

Wed - My House (DJ AM is there)

Thurs - Santa Monica beach or Malibu beach during the day, Les Deux at night

Fri - still searching for the best club (ie-the equivalent of Mansion in Miami)

Any input is appreciated! Thanks in advance.

Nightclubs %26amp; Beaches

Tues - Formosa Cafe for dinner/drinks, then to Hyde

Eat at Formose just for the nostalgia factor but go across the street to Jones for drinks(also a old style hollywood hang out, just with a better bar scene)

Hyde? It is a tiny bar, not hip anymore but of course they will try to sell you bottle service to get into a place that is not much bigger then a railway car. I would skip that when you have close to Jones along Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood places like Winstons, Crown Bar and Lubitsch. All between La Brea and La Cienega On Santa Monica Blvd. These are all high end, fun, celeb driven places where it would be actually be worth spending money at(none of these are nightclubs, but mighty fine bars)

Wed - My House (DJ AM is there)

He wont be there

Thurs - Santa Monica beach or Malibu beach during the day, Les Deux at night

0I can hook u up with Elevate in downtown L.A. that night if u want, 21st floor danceclub, overlooking all of L.A. Les Deuy is a beautiful spot and still great on tue nights, donno, i love the place, so if you want to go, just go, there are better options though...

Fri - still searching for the best club (ie-the equivalent of Mansion in Miami)

What kinda music/crowd are you looking for? Big clubs? Intimate affairs? I can probably give you some suggestions---

Nightclubs %26amp; Beaches

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your quick %26amp; thorough response!

Tues - Sounds like we will not be going to Hyde :)WE will definitely check out one or two of the bars you recommended post dinner, but would you recommend we go to Les Deux Tues instead of Thurs if we were looking to go to a nightclub?

Wed - if DJ AM will not be at My House, can you recommend another good dance club on Wed nights? We are looking for Top 40 %26amp; Hip Hop.

Thurs - Which has a nicer beach - Santa Monica or Malibu beach? I will check with my friend on Elevate and let you know - thank you ;)

Fri - We are looking for a big nightclub (where people actually dance) that plays top 40 %26amp; hip hop - a good party crowd. Any suggestions?

Thanks again for your help!

Regarding beaches -- it might not be beach weather. I suggest going to Santa Monica and Venice because at least there, you can do other things besides lie on the beach (shop, bar hop, eat). Wander Main Street and Abbot Kinney and of course the Venice Boardwalk. Maybe rent bikes and bike from Santa Monica to Venice.

Malibu is only good in the summertime, or if you surf. But the beach by the pier is nice -- you have to have a car to get there -- sit and watch the surfers.

Agree with Yogachick, even if there is no beachweather, there is so much to do in the Santa Monica and Venice area, you will never be bored

As for the clubs

tue - Sounds like we will not be going to Hyde :)WE will definitely check out one or two of the bars you recommended post dinner, but would you recommend we go to Les Deux Tues instead of Thurs if we were looking to go to a nightclub?

- By all means you can check out Hyde but I think the before mentioned places will have a better crowd, less drama at the door and all around you will have more fun. Not to mention that they are just down the street from where u at anyway...

- Les Deux on tue, man, I love the place and used to do it on a tue night. Problem is the door again, i can go there and enjoy the place but for guestlists it is hit and miss. Kinda bad attitude that is going on there, so hard for me to recomend it because of that but the place itself is excellent

Wed - if DJ AM will not be at My House, can you recommend another good dance club on Wed nights? We are looking for Top 40 %26amp; Hip Hop.

I have Hwood, brand new club on wed night. This is pretty much the first official week they open, so i can put u on the list there. But again, if you want, check out myhouse, very cool club but I dont think dj am is spinning there that night. If you saw it on a flyer or e-mail, let me know(message me) and I double check if it is legit

But u got Hwood that night if you want to go...

Thurs - Which has a nicer beach - Santa Monica or Malibu beach? I will check with my friend on Elevate and let you know - thank you ;)

See above

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