Saturday, March 24, 2012

Scramsberg Tour Tip

My wife and I toured Scramsberg last weekend, which was an excellent educational tour and tasting. In my opinion, well worth the $70 for 2 people. We ended up enjoying the experience so much that we joined their cellar club which seems to provide good value.

Here is my suggestion, and someone stop me if this seems like a bad idea. If you join their cellar club before your trip, you and a guest can take the tour for free. After you receive one shipment (all shipments cost $100 including shipping plus tax) you can cancel at any time. This way you only really end up spending an extra $30 for which you%26#39;ll get two bottles of excellent sparkling wine in the mail. Just be sure to join and make your reservations in advance!

Scramsberg Tour Tip

Sorry, I just noticed that my fingers neglected to type the %26#39;h%26#39; in Schramsberg both in the title and in my post!

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