Saturday, March 24, 2012

weather in Yosemite at Easter

Just wondering how cold/warm it might be in Yosemite. What kind of clothing I should bring for my 4 year old and 6 year old as well as myself. Will we need gloves? We are going to be doing mostly hiking but may attempt the hike to Mariposa grove even if there is snow. Any advice would be great.

weather in Yosemite at Easter

Weather in the mountains is fairly hard to guarantte, but typically this time of year it is lovely and spring like. Bring layers that you can add/subtract as it gets warmer in the day, then cooleer in the evening. There is some ground snow along the banks of the road as you drive into the park, but not too much and melting more each day.

The news predicted some new moisture in the next couple of days (Mon, Tues, Wed) but with how warm it is this is likely to end up as rain in the valley, snow in the high country. You can up to date information by calling 209-372-0200 on the day before your travel into the park.

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