Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ski Conditions?

I will be in Tahoe on April 11...will i still be able to ski? Are the conditions generally the same thru-out the area or would one place be a better bet. I will be staying in Incline...thanks

Ski Conditions?

Diamond Peak and Mt. Rose will still be open. How the skiing will be depends on the weather. If we get more snow (predicted for next week), it may be great. If it stays relatively warm, typical Spring skiing.

Ski Conditions?

what is typical spring skiing?...mushy heavy wet snow with lots of obstacles or just not perfect conditions by Tahoe standards? Im from Arizona so we are used to crappy conditions.

Sometimes the snow is icy in the morning, often it%26#39;s slushy by midday. You might send Bazza a PM a couple of days before your trip. He%26#39;s an avid fan of Mt. Rose and can give you an accurate report on the conditions.

';Sometimes the snow is icy in the morning, often it%26#39;s slushy by midday.';

That%26#39;s what it was at Bear Valley this last weekend. It was very warm. I got to Mt Reba on snow shoes in the backcountry wearing a long sleeved t-shirt. The wind breaker went on soon after. Downhill skiiers got fed up with conditions by about 2pm.

The conditions at Mt Rose are great for Spring skiing and we just got a few inches of snow last night. April 11th is a great day to come to Mt Rose, it Dummy Downhill Day!! Tons of fun!

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