Saturday, March 24, 2012

What effect from the Curry Village closures?

Hi. I%26#39;ve been reading about the Curry Village cabins that are closed and all the people getting their reservations cancelled. How far ahead are they cancelling reservations? Into the summer? If all those people are going to have to look for other places to stay, is that going to make it impossible for other people to get a place to stay there?

We camped in Yosemite a few days last summer but I couldn%26#39;t get a camping place reservation this time. I%26#39;d like to take my kids back they loved it so much. But I think Curry is all we can afford. Is it going to be impossible to get a tent cabin there in August?

What effect from the Curry Village closures?

I don%26#39;t know the answer to all of your questions, but I can tell you that the tent cabins were not significantly impacted. It was primarily cabins in the closure area.

I%26#39;m imagining it will make it more difficult to get curry reservations in general, but I also know that some folks who stay in cabins, specifically don%26#39;t want to stay in the tents...they may migrate to some of the hotels outside the park leaving the tent cabins unimpacted.

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